На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Seraphinite Solutions

1 подписчик

Possible support delays in next 2 weeks

Hello. It’s Pavel again. Next one or two weeks I’ll have limited access to email due to moving to another place for living. So, responses from support can be long. Thank you for understanding and patience. Yours, Pavel.More information can be discovered in the original post about Possible support

Possible support delays

Hello. It’s Pavel. Next one or two weeks I’ll have limited access to email. So, responses from support can be long. Thank you for understanding. Yours, Pavel.More information can be discovered in the original post about Possible support delays and on the main site.

New version 2.4 released - Bulk Discounts for WooCommerce for WordPress

Better support of variable products and quality improvements. See below. And you can always see full change log of Bulk Discounts for WooCommerce for WordPress. Last changes
Improvements Changing text 'Already done' to 'Dismiss' in review notification. Direct link to download full version in

New version 1.3 released - Downloads Statistics for WordPress

A new file interception mechanism that significantly improves speed and security. See below. And you can always see full change log of Downloads Statistics for WordPress. Last changes
Behavior changesNew file interception for speed and security.Improvements Changing text 'Already done' to

New version 2.16 released - Accelerator for WordPress

Scheduled cache update and quality improvements. Now particular times with various periods can be defined starting from minute and ending to year. See below. And you can always see full change log of Accelerator for WordPress. Last changes
New featuresScheduled cache update.FixesSometimes PHP

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