На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Seraphinite Solutions

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New version 2.8 released - Accelerator for WordPress

Usability and default behavior improvements to be more compatible with the most sites. See below. And you can always see full change log of Accelerator for WordPress. Last changes
Behavior changes 'Temporary cache not optimized content after forced revalidation' now is enabled by default.

New version 2.7 released - Accelerator for WordPress

Ezoic support, custom styles for adjusting lazy loading of scripts, deleting all cache when taxonomies are modified, and quality improvements. See below. And you can always see full change log of Accelerator for WordPress. Last changes
Improvements Checking optimization request for 500

Temporary downloading unavailability from wp.org - Accelerator for WordPress

First of all, all our products and services are available in full mode. We work as it was before and have no plans to stop. Everyday we make our products better and better to bring value for you. Many of our users and customers have already ensured in the quality of our work and support. This

New version 2.6 released - Accelerator for WordPress

Caching headers, style's separating imports, comment exclusions from minification, and quality improvements. See below. And you can always see full change log of Accelerator for WordPress. Last changes
New features Caching particular headers. Style's separating imports. Improvements Data that

New version 2.3.4 released - Bulk Discounts for WooCommerce for WordPress

Some functional and quality improvements for your convenient. See below. And you can always see full change log of Bulk Discounts for WooCommerce for WordPress. Last changes
Improvements If EULA is not accepted then showing minimal UI. The support button now opens the site page instead of the

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